Monday, May 8, 2017

Global Design Project 086 | Sketch Challenge

Welcome to the Global Design Project #GDP086 - it's time to be inspired by a SKETCH and today's sketch is AWESOME!

But first our winners and special mentions! 
Last week, we had a Colour Challenge. And, as usual, the winner that week is selected as a Guest Designer next month. Join me in congratulating Julie DeGuia. Awesome work Julie.

Thank you to all that played along with us last week for the  Make sure you go and check out all our other winners and special mentions from last week Click here to see them!

Without further ado, here is the sketch for this week;

Can you think of some projects that you can make using this sketch? To assist you with inspiration, here is what the design team came up with for this theme. Feel free to click on their name or picture to visit their blog and be inspired by their work. Like all bloggers, the Design Team LOVE hearing from readers. So, if you have an opportunity to comment - please do!

Global Design Project Design Team
  • Your creation must be NEW and reflect our project inspiration parameters
  • LINK your entry DIRECTLY to the blog post or other gallery
  • Please MENTION Global Design Project in your blog post and link back to us.
  • When sharing publicly please use our hashtag #GDP086
  • We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines.
  • Deadline for entries closes on Monday May 15, 2017 3:00pm AEDT. To view some of our time/dates in your region please see our Schedule.
Winners will be announced Monday May 15, 2017. When you play along with our challenges you can request to be one of our collaborators on our exclusive Global Design Project Pinterest Board where you get to pin your project, which means even more people can be inspired by your creation. Click here to find out how you can make this request to join the Pinterest Board. Make sure you link to your direct blog post not just your blog and use the tag - #GDP086.

Have fun and thanks so much for playing along!

The GDP Team xo

Add your projects here:

Winners - Global Design Project #85

Happy Monday! It was a tough decision again this week choosing the winners with so many amazing creations for the InColor challenge. The gallery is beautiful and full of inspiration!

We have chosen our Guest Design Team member for this week and it was....

Congratulations Julie!!

Please help us congratulate these winners and special mentions by clicking on their projects and congratulating them.

If you are a winner, please add the Global Design Project badge (above) to your blog. You can use the hashtag #GDPwinner on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.

Congratulations to our incredibly talented chosen winners - these are all amazing projects!

Special Mentions (in no particular order)

Head back to the Global Design Project to see these amazing projects and why they were given a special mention. Click Here.  

#28 Denita Wright
#43 Karen Farquhar
#57 Elizabeth Gross
#58 Carolina Evans

Share online wherever you like that you received a special mention at the Global Design Project Challenge blog. You can also add this badge on your blog, Facebook, Instagram - anywhere you like! Use the hashtag - #GDPspecialmention and #GDP085.

If you want your name mentioned it is important that you use your FIRST AND LAST name when entering GDP. Pretty please!

Love Global Design Project Design Team xo

Monday, May 1, 2017

Global Design Project 085 | Colour Challenge

Welcome to the Global Design Project #GDP085! Its time for a COLOUR CHALLENGE!

Do you want to be on the Global Design Project Design team?? THIS is your week to play along. Every colour challenge we search through all of the submissions and ONE person is selected as a Guest Designer for NEXT colour challenge. Sounds exciting??

Our Colour Challenge winner last month was the talented Anna Krol so she will be joining us today as a Guest Designer! Awesome work Anna are thrilled to have you with us this week.

Thank you to all that played along with us last week for the  Make sure you go and check out all our other winners and special mentions from last week Click here to see them!

To give you some inspiration - Here is what the design team came up with for this theme. Feel free to click on their name or picture to visit their blog and be inspired by their work. The Design Team love hearing from you - so if you have a chance to leave a comment please do!

Global Design Project Design Team

  • Your creation must be NEW and reflect our project inspiration parameters
  • LINK your entry DIRECTLY to the blog post or other gallery
  • Please MENTION Global Design Project in your blog post and link back to us.
  • When sharing publicly please use our hashtag #GDP081
  • We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines.
  • Deadline for entries closes on Monday May 8, 2017 3:00pm AEDT. To view some of our time/dates in your region please see our Schedule.
Winners will be announced Monday May 8, 2017. When you play along with our challenges you can request to be one of our collaborators on our exclusive Global Design Project Pinterest Board where you get to pin your project, which means even more people can be inspired by your creation. Click here to find out how you can make this request to join the Pinterest Board. Make sure you link to your direct blog post not just your blog and use the tag - #GDP085

Have fun and thanks so much for playing along!

The GDP Team xo

Add your projects here:

Winners - Global Design Project #84

So many gorgeous cards this past week for CASEing our beautiful Michelle Last. Thank you so much for all who played along, we were so inspired by all your creations.

Please help us congratulate these winners and special mentions by clicking on their projects and congratulating them.

If you are a winner, please add the Global Design Project badge (above) to your blog. You can use the hashtag #GDPwinner on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.

Congratulations to our incredibly talented chosen winners - these are all amazing projects!

Special Mentions (in no particular order)

Head back to the Global Design Project to see these amazing projects and why they were given a special mention. Click Here.  

#35 Stamping with Val
#38 Lea Denton
#39 Natalie Lapakko

Share online wherever you like that you received a special mention at the Global Design Project Challenge blog. You can also add this badge on your blog, Facebook, Instagram - anywhere you like! Use the hashtag - #GDPspecialmention and #GDP084.

If you want your name mentioned it is important that you use your FIRST AND LAST name when entering GDP. Pretty please!

Love Global Design Project Design Team xo

Monday, April 24, 2017

Global Design Project 084 | Case the Designer

Welcome to the Global Design Project #GDP084 - This week we are casing the AMAZING Michelle Last. As you may know, Michelle was ranked #3 in the Global 100 (out of a massive 50,000 demonstrators worldwide). But, in addition to being a successful demo, she is supremely talented and also a beautiful person on the inside and out. She is such a joy to have in our design team.

Remember that when you CASE a project you can Copy And Selectively Edit - so take what you like from the design and make it your own. It might be the stamp set - the colours, the layout, the flowers, whatever you like that has inspired you to make a card of your own.

Here is the project this week that you can CASE.

Thank you to all that played along with us last week for the  Make sure you go and check out all our other winners and special mentions from last week Click here to see them!

To give you some inspiration - Here is what the design team came up with for this theme. Feel free to click on their name or picture to visit their blog and be inspired by their work. The Design Team love hearing from you - so if you have a chance to leave a comment please do!

Global Design Project Design Team

  • Your creation must be NEW and reflect our project inspiration parameters
  • LINK your entry DIRECTLY to the blog post or other gallery
  • Please MENTION Global Design Project in your blog post and link back to us.
  • When sharing publicly please use our hashtag #GDP084
  • We reserve the right to remove any links that do not comply with our guidelines.
  • Deadline for entries closes on Monday May 1st 2017 3:00pm AEDT. To view some of our time/dates in your region please see our Schedule.
Winners will be announced Monday May 1st 2017When you play along with our challenges you can request to be one of our collaborators on our exclusive Global Design Project Pinterest Board where you get to pin your project, which means even more people can be inspired by your creation. Click here to find out how you can make this request to join the Pinterest Board. Make sure you link to your direct blog post not just your blog and use the tag - #GDP084.

Have fun and thanks so much for playing along!

The GDP Team xo

Add your projects here:

Winners - Global Design Project #83

So many sparkles and pretty shiny bling cards this past week! We loved all the creations and thanks to everyone who played along, we had a great week. 

Please help us congratulate these winners and special mentions by clicking on their projects and congratulating them.

If you are a winner, please add the Global Design Project badge (above) to your blog. You can use the hashtag #GDPwinner on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.

Joanna James

Congratulations to our incredibly talented chosen winners - these are all amazing projects!

Special Mentions (in no particular order)

Head back to the Global Design Project to see these amazing projects and why they were given a special mention. Click Here.  

#34 Denita Wright
#51 Su Mohr
#68 Lisa Whitehead

Share online wherever you like that you received a special mention at the Global Design Project Challenge blog. You can also add this badge on your blog, Facebook, Instagram - anywhere you like! Use the hashtag - #GDPspecialmention and #GDP083.

If you want your name mentioned it is important that you use your FIRST AND LAST name when entering GDP. Pretty please!

Love Global Design Project Design Team xo